SGBC Family News | March 27, 2020
Dear SGBC Brothers and Sisters,
Praise the LORD for His grace! For we were able to go online worship for the very first time last Sunday! It couldn’t have been done without a team of humble and faithful brothers and sisters who overcame many difficulties while remaining calm to carry out the live broadcast with just a few days of preparation. And we also thank you for participating in online worship and giving us very positive response and constructive comments. Our “Live Broadcasting Team” will continue to adjust and to improve, and we look forward to engaging our brothers and sisters to worship in spirit and in truth.
The new sermon series "Trying Times, Wavering Truth" started on March 22. Brothers and sisters, let’s take this precious moment during the times of uncertainty to learn to let the Word of God guide us to face adversity and live a life pleasing to the Lord.
Listen & Do the Word – “Trying Times, Unwavering Truth”
Last week’s sermon “Who Is Holing Tomorrow?” encouraged brothers and sisters to seize the day and to do good. While we must maintain social distance between people during this pandemic, how do we care for our community and neighbours, to reach out to them and to practise the love of Christ?
There are a few resources we got from the community that we’d like to share with you.
- Mobile app:
- Resources for social care:
- If you have relatives or neighbors who need food and grocery delivery service, please refer to the attachment Food & Groceries Delivery Information 032720.
- If you have relatives, friends or neighbours who need emotional counseling, you can contact “Toronto CCM Centre Support Hotline” at 416-291-8140 or 647-346-7276 or
I hope that the above information can help you find different needs in the community. As long as you have a willing heart to care and help those in need, you can certainly respond appropriately. Either as an individual or as a life group, let’s take actions now to bring Christ’s love to others! Enquiry: Pastor Ada Chung @ 647-298-0317; [email protected].
Lord’s Supper
We’ll be observing the Lord’s Supper next Sunday April 5, please prepare your heart and spirit to observe together. Although worship will be held online, our pastoral and deacon team will be personally delivering the individual packages of the elements to those whose information has been registered with SGBC and those who are actively participating at SGBC.
We’ll be delivering them between March 28 and April 1; three 2-in-1 packages per person. Please keep them safe for the next two months after receiving them which do not need to be refrigerated. We’ll message you before and after the delivery. If you do not get it by April 2, please contact Pastor William Wong @ 647-809-2103; [email protected]. Thank you for your cooperation.
Tithes & Offering – Online “Giving & Support” Launched
“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” Malachi 3:10
In response to worship being held online, SGBC Financial Department has also arranged online offering and donations. Please visit the church website and click on “Online Offering” under “Give & Support” to make an offering:
If you want to donate by mail, please visit the church website and click on “By Mail” under “Give & Support” to make an offering:
For more details about “Online Offering”, please refer to "SGBC Family News 032720 OnLine Giving Instructions". For enquiries, please contact Deacon Terrance Yeung ([email protected]) or Brother Richard Ji ([email protected]).
ESC Thursday Prayer Network & CSC Saturday Prayer Meeting
“Pray more, you have more power; pray less, you have less power; no praying, no power. We must pray more and more often.”
Praise the LORD for the prayer time for individuals, the church, the community, and the world where 5 people joining ESC prayer network the past Thursday and 26 people joining CSC prayer meeting last Saturday! The global epidemic is severe. Let us pray together and pray earnestly, asking God to show mercy and grace.
ESC Prayer Network on Thursday 8-8:45pm: (Meeting ID: 329 471 0973)
CSC Prayer Meeting on Saturday 9-10am: (Meeting I.D.: 506 873 024)
Children Sunday Worship
Children Ministry has given parents Bible videos and related materials. Parents please lead your children to study the Word of God before or after adult worship. This week’s material can be accessed from the same website "LifeWay Kids at home" and click on March 29, 2020. For more details, please visit our church website and click on “Children Worship Resources”. Enquiries: Sister Amanda Yeung ([email protected]) or Mrs. Bernice Wu ([email protected]).
Pray that this newsletter will help us walk in the Truth and face the trying times together! See you Sunday!
Rev. Hubert Wu
Senior Pastor
Stouffville Grace Baptist Church