《Become a Called to B.L.E.S.S. Church》 1 Peter 2:9-10 Rev. Hubert Wu Introduction: Recognizing Our Identity shapes our actions?! I. Called with a Clear Identity (1 Peter 2:9a) • Identity Shapes Actions II. Mandate of Actions (1 Peter 2:9b) • Actions Confirms Identity III. Living in the Light (1 Peter 2:9b; Gen. 12:1-3) • Five […]

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Harmony In Diversity, Unity As One Philippians 2:1-5; Romans 14:19-20 Rev. Jesse Kang Introduction: Does unity begin with the family? I. The Importance of Harmony in Diversity (Phil. 2:1-4) A. Calling and encouragement B. Practicing genuine acceptance II. Practicing Unity (Phil. 2:5) A. Following the example of Christ B. Complementing one another’s gifts III. Learning […]

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