SGBC Family News | April 10, 2020
Dear SGBC Brothers and Sisters,
We sincerely invite you and your family to join us for today’s (April 10) broadcasts of the Good Friday Worship that pastors and brothers and sisters have prepared. Please visit our church website and click/tap on “Good Friday Service” banner or “Good Friday Worship”. We’ll also be observing the Lord’ Supper. Please have your 2-in-1 Lord’s Supper elements prepared.
Cantonese: | 10-11am | “Let Go to Hold On” (Rev. Hubert Wu, Mrs. Bernice Wu) |
Mandarin: | 8-9pm | “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” (Pastors Judy Choy and Karen Lam) |
English: | 8-9pm | “Near the Cross” (Pastor Ada Chung) |
This Sunday April 12 we will be broadcasting online Easter Sunday Worship – Cantonese and Mandarin Ministries have arranged Rev. Calvin Lam form SOBEM to a Gospel message; and for English service Pastor Ada will be sharing a message based on Mary. We encourage brothers and sisters to actively invite your seeker friends and family to join us. Please visit our church website and select “Online Worship”.
Mandarin: | 9:15-10:05am | “The Cross, A Winner’s Choice” (Rev. Calvin Lam) |
English: | 10:15-11:05am | “Memoir of Mary” (Pastor Ada Chung) |
Cantonese: | 11:15am-12:30pm | “The Cross, A Winner’s Choice” (Rev. Calvin Lam) |
Free movie recommendation to watch with your family!

Originally scheduled for release in the theater during the Easter period, the modified movie version of the Christian masterpiece "The Pilgrim’s Progress" is now available for free online viewing in view of the development of the pandemic, it. You can choose to broadcast it in English or Mandarin. Watch before the end of April. Register to watch:

Filmed in front of a live audience, Sight & Sound’s spectacular original stage production “Jesus” will be online on April 10-12 only.
Listen & Do the Word – “Trying Times, Unwavering Truth”
Last week’s sermon was “Turning Crisis into Opportunities”, and we’ve been reminded not to be confused by the plight in front of us but to focus on eternity. No matter what the situation is, we can turn crises into opportunities, living the life that Christ leads us, and seize the opportunity to be shaped and used by Him. Do not waste this pandemic (see appendix 1).
Sunday School
The outbreak of the pandemic has not only affected and changed our lives, but it is also believed to be a period of spiritual test for each believer. At this moment, while we need to be adapting to the ever-changing situation, the state of our spiritual life cannot be ignored. The best prescription for maintaining the health of our soul is to take root in the Scriptures and focus on God.
ESC will be looking into a way to encourage brothers and sisters to gather and study God’s Word together. Please stay tuned!
ESC Prayer Network
During this challenging time, we must continue to trust our almighty God and seek His will and His presence and to have our faith deepened. I would like to encourage you to join our ESC Prayer Network on Thursdays @ 8-8:45pm to continue to pray together. See you there!
Pray that this newsletter will help us walk in the Truth and face the trying times together! See you Sunday!
Rev. Hubert Wu
Senior Pastor
Stouffville Grace Baptist Church
Appendix 1:
Do not Waste This Pandemic: (
- You are wasting this pandemic if you don't believe this pandemic is allowed by God. Everything happens with the permission of God.
Matthew 10:29 “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.” - You are wasting this pandemic if you only pay attention to the external pandemic prevention, and do not rely on the Holy Spirit to prevent the pandemic of sin. Are you tolerating sin: bragging, greed, hatred, contention, deceit... as you were doing before the pandemic came? Don't just think about overcoming the pandemic, but let the pandemic remind you to overcome sin.
Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” - You are wasting this pandemic if you refuse to consider death.
Luke 9:25 “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?”
Psalm 90:12 "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." - You are wasting this pandemic if you only hope that the pandemic will stop as soon as possible just to survive and to live a normal life without seeking to understand God's heart and cherish Christ more. God wants to restore your soul. All the unnecessary things are put on hold during the pandemic, it is an opportunity to wake you up to the eternal things, the salvation of Christ.
Colossians 3:1 “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.” - You are wasting this pandemic if you spend too much time reading the information about the pandemic, but do not spend time to read the Word of God.. There is nothing wrong with knowing the situation of the pandemic, but if it leads to less passion for knowing God, then you will suffer.
Psalm 1:2-3 “2 But whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither — whatever they do prospers.” - You are wasting this pandemic if you don't make good use of this pandemic and make it a witness of Christ's truth and glory.
The Christian does not appear in any place by accident. He has the goodwill of God in any situation.