2020-07-19 ESC Sunday Worship

Lives in Transitions #2 When Lives and Worship Emerge – King David
2 Samuel 6:1-23
Rev. Hubert Wu

Does life and worship run on parallel tracks? Would it be possible for life and worship to merge?
King David – A chaotic life? A super King? A sorry family man?
What can we learn about worship from King David?

  1. Worship that divides
    • a lesson from King David
      1. half-hearted worship (2 Samuel 6:1-11)
    • a lesson from Michal (2 Samuel 6:16, 20, 23)
      1. Judgmental
      2. Non-engagement
      3. Comparison
      4. Wrong focus
  2. Worship that unites
    • a lesson from King David
      1. full-hearted, genuine worship (2 Samuel 6:12-15)
        • taking worship seriously (2 Samuel 6:17)
      2. eizing every opportunity to offer sacrifices (2 Samuel 6:13; Psalms 54:6)
      3. enthusiastic engagement (2 Samuel 6:14-15)
        1. stripping away any stumbling blocks between worshiper and God
        2. loosening up
        3. Be fully present
      4. Be a blessing to each other (2 Samuel 6:18-19)
  3. When life and worship converge
    • God centered / God focused worship (2 Samuel 6:21)
    • Expecting change in perspective during worship (2 Samuel 6:22)
    • A man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22)

Lives in transition often effect the way we worship. However, the ways that we worship are critically important to both our spiritual and physical well-being. Let us commit to a lifestyle of worship that transforms our lives and pleases God.