2020-11-22 ESC Sunday Worship

Imprints of the Pandemic #11 Love What You Do & Do What You Love – Redefining Success & Greatness
1 Kings 2:1-4
Rev. Hubert Wu

How do you define success? (1 Kings 2:1-4)
Wealth? Power? Fame? Kindness? Generosity? Wisdom?

  1. Affirmations that Matter (Matthew 6:1-4)
    • – Desiring affirmation from the right place
    • Who do you want to please? Whose attention are you seeking?
    • How many people are “following” or giving you “likes”?
  2. Small is Big (Luke 21:1-4; Matthew 23:34-36)
    • – Modesty and greatness are not opposite
  3. Virtues filled memoir (1 Kings 2:3; 2 Timothy 4:7-8)
    • – “Love what you do and do what you love”
    • How would God measure our success?
      1. Did you do my will?
      2. Did you live the life I created you to live?
      3. Did you become the person I created you to be?
      4. Did you live a life of love with me and all that I created?

Let us strive to “love what we do and do what we love” in light of what God expects of us.