2025-01-12 Vision Sunday Joint Worship Service

A Fresh Way of Life Together
(1) An Admirable Life
James 1:22-25
Rev. Hubert Wu
Are you content with being ordinary, or do you strive for excellence?
The Book of James offers you practical wisdom for “ordinary people living an extraordinary life.”
I. Listening To the Word Becomes Meaningless (James 1:22)
The bad listening habits of the ordinary
II. Acting On the Word Becomes Instinctive (James 1:23-24)
The listening skills that excel (Psalms 139:23-24)
III. Excellence Becomes A Testimony (James 1:25)
Persevere in becoming Christlike
“With One Heart Magnify Christ’s Love, Together Win People For Christ” –
How do we live out God’s Word?
1. ”You Only Live Once”:Cherish life’s brevity and seize every opportunity
2. “Called to BLESS”: Live Out the 5 Habits of B.L.E.S.S.
B egin with Prayer
L isten like Jesus
E at Missionally
S erve like Jesus
S hare God’s and Our Story
3. “Journeying with God Together”: See with your heart, discern God’s will and guidance, and walk closely with Him daily.
4. “A Fresh Way of Life Together”: Live an admirable life together

Let’s practice listening to the Word and living it out, becoming an admirable life example to others!