September 4, 2020

SGBC Family News | September 4, 2020

Dear SGBC Brothers and Sisters,

Peace of God be with you!

Due to the impact of COVID-19 and the emergency decree from the Ontario government, it has been 5 months that our church has suspended all physical gatherings since March 16 with online worship since March 22!

In-Person Worship Resuming on September 13th

Starting on Sunday, September 13, we will start the first phase of the reopening. Please see below for videos about the reopening details:

We will first resume the three in-person Sunday Worship Services with live streaming at the same time. English and Mandarin services at 10 am, and Cantonese service at 11:30 am. The first phase of the reopening welcomes those who are over 12 and under 70 to participate.

The time change is to meet the requirements of our landlord EastRidge Church. It also allows brothers and sisters to have enough time to come for worship and to attend the next thing after.

Children worship will continue to be broadcasted online at 8:45 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings. Parents who want to participate in in-person Sunday Worship Services are welcome to bring children over 12 years of age to sit with and participate in adult worship together.

English Sunday School lessons will still be held in Life Groups. Cantonese Sunday School will continue to be conducted online at 9:30-10:30 am and 2:30-3:30 pm (advanced believers’ class).

Pre-Registration Required for In-Person Sunday Worship Service

If you plan to participate in physical worship on Sundays, please register in advance. In accordance with health and pandemic prevention guidelines, and to protect the health and hygiene of all participants in in-person worship service, brothers and sisters who have not pre-registered will not be permitted to enter the church. If you have any questions about the pre-registration procedures, please contact the church office. The pre-registration procedures are as follows:

  1. Please visit the SGBC website, click on the “In-Person Sunday Worship Service PreRegistration” link (, and complete the procedures between Wednesday and Friday noon prior to that Sunday. For example, for brothers and sisters who want to participate in the in-person worship service on September 13, please pre-register online between Wednesday, September 9 to Friday, September 11,
    noon. Please pay special attention to the pre-registration period of Wednesday to Friday of each week for the registration to be considered valid. It is because it is critical to report your health status closer to the Sunday that you plan to attend in-person worship.
  2. First, please fill in the “Health Survey”, one for each person. For a family of four, please fill in four copies.
  3. Then fill in the “Seat Reservation Form”. Each family only needs to fill in one copy, and the full name of one of the family members must be filled in.
  4. If the reservation is successful, you will receive a confirmation email stating that you can go to the church to participate in Sunday worship.

If you cannot register online or need special assistance to reserve seats, please contact the church office at 647-547-3618.

Please note:

  • If you are 70 years old or above, have any special physical needs, or have vulnerable family members, we suggest you stay at home and continue participating in online worship until the community’s public health and safety conditions improve and social gatherings are restored.
  • Children programs will not be provided during phase 1. Children under 12 should stay home.

Guidelines for physical gathering sites:

When you arrive at the church, please line up outside the North entrance for English and Mandarin services or the Main entrance for Cantonese service and observe the 6-foot physical distance.

  • The usher will verify your registration and take your temperature.
  • Everyone who enters the church premises must wear a mask at all times and must thoroughly clean or disinfect their hands every time they enter and exit.
  • Areas for activities:
    • Cantonese Worship - limited to 1/F sanctuary and corridors, please do not enter other rooms or facilities on 2/F
    • English Worship - limited to 2/F Cafe Hall and corridors, please do not enter other rooms or facilities on 1/F
    • Mandarin Worship - limited to 2/F Room 226 and corridors, please do not enter other rooms or facilities on 1/F
  • Washrooms:
    • Please use designated washrooms for SGBC
    • Allow 1 usage in the washroom at a time unless extra help is needed, e.g. seniors or people with limited mobility
    • Follow cleaning checklist posted in washrooms
  • Eating and drinking is prohibited inside the church building, please do not bring any drinks or food

Although we encourage you to participate in in-person worship, we also understand the different situations and difficulties of individual brothers and sisters. There may be various reasons that you may not be able to participate temporarily, so we will simultaneously broadcast worship online. Please don’t feel pressured. Persist on participating in worship regularly, whether in in-person or live online worship, devoting yourself to worship in spirit and in truth, it will be pleasing to the Lord God. We also hope that we can continue to walk with you and share life together, pursue spiritual growth in the Lord and bring Christ’s love to others.

Prayer Meetings

When there is still uncertainty about the future changes of the pandemic, we are not sure when the church will enter phase 2 or phase 3. In the days to come and in the face of the new normal of church life – a hybrid model of in-person and online gatherings, we need God’s wisdom to guide us in thinking and planning for more effective care. Please pray for the pastors, deacons, and leaders to ask the Lord to lead us to make timely and appropriate arrangements for our brothers and sisters. We sincerely invite you to attend online prayer meetings to uphold our church and our community together. English prayer network on Thursdays at 8 pm; Cantonese prayer meeting on Saturdays at 9am.

Observing the Lord’s Supper

We will be observing the Lord’s Supper together this Sunday September 6, please prepare your heart. Our team has already distributed Lord’s Supper 2-in-1 packages to those whose information has been registered with SGBC and those who are actively participating at SGBC. If you have not got them, please contact SGBC Office @ 647-547-3618 ([email protected]).

May the abundant grace of God be with you!

Rev. Hubert Wu
Senior Pastor, Stouffville Grace Baptist Church