Advent and Jesus Keep Us Awake Matthew 24:36-44 Pastor Joyce Cheung
Jesus Forgives Those Who Hurt Him Luke 23:33-43 Grace Lo
When Things Fall Apart Luke 21:5-19 Bernice Wu
The Sadducees Try To Trick Jesus Luke 20:27-28 Pastor Lisa Chan
Jesus and Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10 Grace Lo
Parable of the Two Pray-ers Luke 18:9-14 Pastor Joyce Cheung
Prayer and the Merciless Judge Luke 18:1-18 Grace Lo
Recharging Mustard-Sized Faith Luke 17:5-10 Elisa Mak
The Rich Man and Lazarus. Luke 16:19-31 Bernice Wu
Parable Of the Dishonest Steward Luke 16:1-13 Pastor Lisa Chan