The Blockages and Blessings of Giving Thanks Psalm 100:1-5 Rev. Ada Chung
Sin Entered the World Psalm 104:24 Rev. Ada Chung
Journeying with God Together (3) Desirous of God’s Guidance Nehemiah 2:1-8 Rev. Ada Chung
同心与神同行 (2) 渴慕神的引领 尼希米记 2:1-8 钟韵悠牧师
同心與神同行 (2) 渴慕神的引領 尼希米記 2:1-8 鍾韵悠牧師
The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree: One More Year Luke 13:6-9 Rev. Ada Chung
We Are Here to Glorify God Psalm 96:3 Rev. Ada Chung
“The Heart of the Father” Luke 15:11-32 Rev. Ada Chung
“Are You Ready to Be A Every Day?” (John 4:1-41) Rev. Ada Chung
Paul Became a Missionary John 3:17 Rev. Ada Chung