Spiritual Uprising (20) A Life of “Switched Price-Tags” Luke 9:24-25 Pastor Leo Lam
Spiritual Uprising (19) Staying Purpose-Focused Colossians 1:24-29 Pastor Anthony Cheung
Spiritual Uprising (18) The Purpose-Driven Life 2 Timothy 4:5-8 Pastor Ellen Wong
Spiritual Uprising (17) Steering Without A Compass Ecclesiastes 1:8-18, 12:1 Pastor Leo Lam
Spiritual Uprising (16) The Road that Leads to Nowhere Ecclesiastes 1:2-7 Pastor Ada Chung
A Milestone Marked by the Pandemic Isaiah 43:19 Rev. Hubert Wu Introduction What are some of the milestones in your life? Are there milestones marked by the pandemic? How do we see God’s work among us amidst the pandemic? Look! In unexpected places (Isa. 43:19a, 43:18) Look! For unusual timing (Isa. 43:19b) Look! Through new […]
The Perfect Father Job 1:1-5 Rev. Calvin Lam Video #1: Dad dumped pennies https://youtu.be/cOrKBz6Fw-c Video #2: Girl birthday https://youtu.be/W1E4y3cCSnk
Spiritual Uprising (15) Sharing In God’s Nature 2 Peter 1:3-11 Pastor Ada Chung
Spiritual Uprising (14) R U Proud of Your (Kingdom) Passport? 1 Peter 2:4-10 Pastor Anthony Cheung
Spiritual Uprising (13) CID/CID 1 John 2:15-17 Pastor Cary Ong