Imprints of the Pandemic #4 Creating A Sacred Space Mark 1:29-39 Pastor Ada Chung
Dinner on the Ground Exodus 16:12 Pastor Ada Chung
Traces of Pandemic #1 It’s the School of Life! James 1:1-6 Pastor Ada Chung
Lives in Transitions #8 A Thresher of Men – Gideon Judges 6:11-24 Pastor Ada Chung
Lives in Transitions #1 Get Out of the Boat Matthew 14:22-33 Pastor Ada Chung
What Is Love? Romans 5:7-8 Pastor Ada Chung
Trying Times, Unwavering Truth #9 Worship that Touches the Heart John 4:19-26 Pastor Ada Chung
同心抗逆、同行主道(八)觸動心靈的敬拜 約翰福音 4:19-26 鍾韵悠傳道 引言:敬拜有虛假? 真正敬拜父的是: 用心靈來敬拜父神(約 4:23-24) 用誠實來敬拜父神(約 4:23-24) 「鐵三角」的敬拜人生(約 4:21) 提醒:真正的敬拜是建立在愛與知識上,而不是建立在愚昧與恐懼上。真正敬拜父的人必須藉著靈按真理及真誠地敬拜祂。真正的敬拜是一個敬拜的人生,全人在三個領域敬拜的生活方式。
Trying Times, Unwavering Truth#6 From Tension to Transformation Ephesians 4:17-32 Pastor Ada Chung
A Memoir of Mary John 19:1-18 Pastor Ada Chung