2022-06-12 15th Anniversary Joint Worship

Flowing Love (11) Cultivating the Habits of a Loving Heart
1 Corinthians 13:1-8a
Rev. Hubert Wu

Mission of SGBC: Sharing Life Together… Bringing Christ’s Love to Others
How do we make “Heaven on Earth, Live Like Christ” a reality?

  1. Full body check-up for the growth of a Loving Heart
    1. How is your heart doing physically?
      Habits that refresh you physically
      a. Rest b. Balanced diet c. Regular exercise
    2. How is your heart doing emotionally?
      Habits that recharge you emotionally
      a. Solitude b. Recreation c. Laughter
    3. How is your heart doing spiritually?
      Habits that renew you spiritually
      a. Daily quiet time b. Small group c. Worship
  2. Essence of Love — Selflessness & Self-sacrifice (1 Corinthians 13:5-8a)
    For the good of others and to build them up (Romans 15:1-2)
  3. Sharing Life Together – Unity in Diversity (Philippians 2:3-5; Romans 15:5-7)

Together let us dedicate ourselves to the Mission: Sharing Life Together… Bringing Christ’s
Love to Others.
Live Like Christ, make Heaven on Earth a reality in our community!